
This is Pathikreet Chowdhury.

And I am a

Eager to be a part of this change in technological era.

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About Me.

Web Developer and Machine Learning Engineer.

A third year undergrad studying Computer Science Engineering, I am a hardworking and career oriented person with a curious mind and love exploring new avenues and options. Currently honing my skills as an Android App Developer and Web Developer , Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Coding.
I also love robotics , IoT and related electronics projects and am working on them to expand my knowledge base, having already built several small DIY robot projects. I am also an avid football and chess player having played several international chess tournaments; also a team member of my college football team.

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My Skills.

Proficient in HTML , a basic requirement for all web developers.

Proficient in CSS and Bootstrap , the go to tool for front end web development.

Skilled in Javascript , the go to scripting tool for web development.

Proficient in React , a modern JS framework for seamless design.

Familiar with backend frameworks such as SQL,NodeJs,MongoDB.

Python and C++ , languages highly proficient in.

Developed multiple ML projects and research , using ML and DL.

Proficient and familiar with multiple ML algorithms and frameworks for ML development.

Let's dive into the world of Machine Learning and AI.


End to end healthcare ML App

A end to end healthcare ML App built using multiple ML and DL models with data pipelining and MLOps using Dagshub and MLFlow. The app is a complete healthcare solution for patients and doctors.


Stock and Trading ML App

Sophisticated algorithmic trading web app that leverages the power of neural networks and a diverse array of technical indicators to make informed trading decisions in the cryptocurrency and financial markets.


Spam and toxicity classifer.

a spam classifier built using MLflow, incorporating NLP (Natural Language Processing) with CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) and MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) practices for effective and automated management.

Voice EmoSense

Audio Emotion Classifier

an innovative project that harnesses state-of-the-art machine learning models to accurately detect and analyze emotions in users' voices.


LLM based medical chatbot

A LLM based health chatbot and medical reports Q&A system using quantized models and ctransformers.

Resume Guru

AI Resume Analyzer

An AI based resume analyzer and job recommender system using NLP, ML and Python built on a Streamlit Frontend

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Unveiling the Code Symphony: Dive into My Full Stack Creations!

AI Alchemist

My personal Blog Website

Built from scratch using Nextjs , MongoDB , Prisma and Express.

Stylio Fit

Virtual shirt tryout

Virtual Shirt Tryout with MERN and Three.js "StylioFit" is an interactive website developed using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) and enriched with Three.js capabilities. This platform enables users to virtually experiment with diverse shirt designs in a dynamic 3D environment.

Hospital Buddies

A hospital paging and chat App

A full stack application built using React and Stream Chat allowing people to create channels , talk to peple through DMs and also create groups for chatting.

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Like what you see? Check out my Resume.
